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TED DEWAN is an internationally acclaimed award-winning Anglo/American author/illustrator and artist. He is best known as creator of the Emmy-Award-winning animated television series Bing currently screening in over 80 countries featuring the voice of Oscar- and Tony-winner Mark Rylance. His work ranges from cult picture books to large-scale steampunk exhibition pieces and fiery public art installations. He spearheaded an unlikely road safety campaign that led to the creation of Britain’s only “Do-It-Yourself Street” where residents built their own imaginative shared-space road installation. All his work centers around the theme of celebrating young people’s imagination, and how adults can apply their imagination to work and life.
image ©Acamar Films
Is Twitter useful for anything other than abuse anymore?
I don't bother with it. I'm only abusive face-to-face with people who really deserve it. It's less cowardly that way, and more fun.

Facebook is officially evil. You know that. So why do you still use it, even when you know what they're really up to?
I'll start using Instagram as soon as I figure out WTF I actually want to do with it.
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